Monday, May 3, 2010

In His Shadow

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1

This Psalm is one of my favorites. I often counsel people to read it when they are experiencing anxiety, nightmares or just struggling about anything. It speaks hope and comfort.

I remember when my youngest son was about five years old, he began having nightmares like so many children do. I would read this Psalm over him when he went to bed. I go to it when I need to know that I have a place of shelter, a protective wing, a resting place of safety.

There is significance in the word shadow. The Hebrew meaning is shade or defense. We can relate to this in many applications. How often have we sought shade when the heat of the day is wearing on us? It’s coolness brings relief from the strain of the sun. And how well know that the shade or shadows can hide objects from view. There we can hide from our enemy and rest until we are strong enough to be out in the open.

The most profound thought however is that the shelter is the Most High God. He sits up high waiting to protect and provide a resting place. He cares about every one of us and is watching out for us. Imagine – the Most High God is always there to cover us with his strong arm of love and mercy.

Father, help me to run to You when I am weary and in trouble – always being thankful for your sheltering shadow.


  1. I LOVE the Psalms...they are such cries of the heart...straight to the heart of God. That place of rest...that shelter in the arms of God...there's no place else I'd rather be.
    With joy,

  2. I love Psalm 91, well and all the Psalms really. There's so much comfort and wisdom.
