Friday, January 21, 2011

Now I know why...

As I sat staring at the scenery around Sedona, Arizona today, I had a revelation. No, I didn't see a vision, or an angel or hear the voice of God. But I did come to realize something important to understanding God's character.

He did not create all of this magnificent beauty for himself. He has the universe, the galaxy and beyond to behold. He created this earthly beauty for us to enjoy. He knew we would need something to catch our eye in a big way - something to be in awe of - something we can actually touch, feel and admire to the fullest.

It's like a father who wants to bring home the best toy he can find for his precious child. Something that will make him smile and squeal for joy. He loves his children enough to do some of his best creating just for us.

I saw some of that creation today and I appreciate it more than ever before. Especially now that I realize why it's there.

Because He loves me.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Following Instruction

“I take joy in doing your will, my God,

for your instructions are written on my heart.”

Psalm 40:8

Whose vision are you living? Is it someone else’s vision, or one that God has given to you personally? Are you trying to live out someone else’s direction?

God has instruction for all of us. He speaks to us individually—writing dreams and visions on our hearts. They are meant just for us—tailored to suit our gifts and personality.

How will we know his direction unless we hear his voice and answer his call? It takes practice in stillness, expecting and listening. Many of us have poor listening skills and are not good at waiting to hear God speak. Yet his words are life, and following his instructions brings joy.

Just as the compass points us in the right direction, God shows us the right path we are to take. We only need to pay attention to the teacher and guide. He will never lead us astray.

Jesus, through patience and stillness, I will listen to your direction.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Look no's all here.

"It is ironic how we stretch our imagination and seek extraterrestrial life forms with unique qualities in the dark vastness of space, when in essence they are amongst us in the light of day. Those mysterious life forms we call animals."  P.A. Rittler

This is a strange quote to find on a devotional blog, I know. You may be wondering what in the world it has to do with anything spiritual. Let me explain.

We took our grandchildren to the zoo the other day. Once again I saw strange and mysterious creatures, some are beyond my ability to describe. As I walked through and examined the variety of life forms, I was again struck with the awesomeness of a creative God. No human mind could ever contrive such intricate uniqueness in this world and beyond. We serve a Creator that knows how much we need to explore and seek. He has provided enough interest here to last a lifetime of discovery.

Psalm 111:4 (Amplified Bible)

"He has made His wonderful works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious, merciful, and full of loving compassion."

It was his pleasure to create this wondrous world for us. Sometimes it's best just to look in your own back yard before wandering beyond to satisfy your longing. Let us praise Him for his creative gifts.